Belfast Tram, The
DESCRIPTION: "You wait and wait in vain standing shiv'ring in the rain If you want to be late again take a Belfast Tram." Suggest the tram to "a friend you'd rather miss." To get someplace on time "use your 'Shanks'" or take a taxi or sidecar.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1989 (Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong)
KEYWORDS: commerce humorous nonballad
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong 17, "The Belfast Tram" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [69 words]: Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong: "The enthusiastic public response to the introduction of horse trams [in Belfast in 1872] soon gave way to constant complaints about their lack of punctuality.... [T]his song is in the music hall mould and was published in Ireland's Saturday Night." [according to the National Library of Ireland side,Ireland's Saturday Night began publication in 1894 and is still being published]. - BS
File: Leyd017
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