Valiant London Apprentice, The [Laws Q38]
DESCRIPTION: The youth, sent to Turkey, praises Queen Elizabeth above all kings. When challenged, the youth breaks the Turkish prince's neck. Thrown to the lions, he kills the beasts. The Turkish emperor admits English superiority; his daughter marries the youth
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: royalty fight animal contest marriage apprentice
1558-1603 - Reign of Elizabeth I of England
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber)) Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (10 citations):
Laws Q38, "The Valiant London Apprentice"
Ritson-AncientSongsBalladsFromHenrySecondToTheRevolution, pp. 318-323, "The Honour of a London Prentice" (1 text)
Greig/Duncan5 1064, "The Honour of a London Prentice" (1 fragment)
Creighton/Senior-TraditionalSongsOfNovaScotia, pp. 124-126, "The Wealthy London Prentice"(1 text, 1 tune)
Forget-Me-Not-Songster, pp. 153-157, "The London 'Prentice" (1 text)
Olson-BroadsideBalladIndex, ZN2080, "Of a worthy London Prentice"
Chappell-PopularMusicOfTheOldenTime, "All You That Love Good Fellows, or The London Apprentice" (1 text, 2 tunes, but the text is not this although Chappell links the plot of this ballad to his tune)
Chappell/Wooldridge-OldEnglishPopularMusic I, pp. 262-263, "Nancy; or, Sir Edward Noel's Delight; or, All You That Love Good Fellows" (3 tunes, connected to this only by the link in Chappell-PopularMusicOfTheOldenTime)
ADDITIONAL: Thomas Percy, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ... with [an anonymous] Supplement (Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, 1876), pp. 527-529, "The Honour of a London Prentice"
Roud #1016
Bodleian, Wood 401(63), "The Honour of an Apprentice of London" ("Of a worthy London prentice my purpose is to speake"), F. Coles (London), 1658-1664 ; also Douce Ballads 3(43b), Harding B 4(54), Douce Ballads 4(47), Vet. A3 b.43(11), "The Honour of a London Prentice"; Douce Ballads 1(118a), ("Of a worthy London prentice"); Mus. 1 c.118(6k) View 2 of 2, partial text.
cf. "All You That Are Good Fellows" (tune, per broadside Bodleian Wood 401(63))
NOTES [104 words]: The Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ... adds an Addenda, edited anonymously (obviously not Percy (1729-1811) since it includes references to Richardson's 1842-1846 The Local Historian's Table Book of Remarkable Occurences ...). [And this Addendum of course is not in Percy/Wheatley-ReliquesOfAncientEnglishPoetry. - RBW]
Percy Supplement: "The following song relates to a noble piece of chivalry performed in Queen Elizabeth's days, and therefore claims a place here; though it must be acknowledged we have not been able to discover who the hero was, nor any account of the facts on which the ballad is founded." - BS
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File: LQ38
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