Pretty Susan, the Pride of Kildare [Laws P6]

DESCRIPTION: A sailor tries to win Susie's love; she rejects him because he is poor. Instead she gives her love to a rich man. The sailor goes back to sea but never finds another woman as beautiful as Susie
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1847 (Journal of William Histed of the Cortes); before 1844 (broadside, Bodleian Harding B 11(3331))
KEYWORDS: courting poverty beauty
FOUND IN: US(SE) Britain(England(South)) Canada(Mar) Ireland Australia
REFERENCES (15 citations):
Laws P6, "Pretty Susan, the Pride of Kildare"
Gardham-EarliestVersions, "PRIDE OF KILDARE, THE"
Williams-Wiltshire-WSRO Mi 681, "Pretty Susan, the Pride of Kildare"; Williams-Wiltshire-WSRO Wt 343, "Pretty Susan, the Pride of Kildare" (2 texts)
Palmer-FolkSongsCollectedBy-Ralph-VaughanWilliams, #1, The Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud/Bishop-NewPenguinBookOfEnglishFolkSongs #54, "Susan, the Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
Brown/Belden/Hudson-FrankCBrownCollectionNCFolklore2 132, "Pretty Susie, The Pride of Kildare" (1 text)
Huntington-SongsTheWhalemenSang, pp. 131-133, "The Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
OLochlainn-MoreIrishStreetBallads 83, "Pretty Susan the Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
Creighton-FolksongsFromSouthernNewBrunswick 48, "Pretty Susan" (1 text, 1 tune)
Pottie/Ellis-FolksongsOfTheMaritimes, pp. 72-73, "Pretty Susan" (1 text, 1 tune)
Manny/Wilson-SongsOfMiramichi 88, "Pretty Susan" (1 text, 1 tune)
Ives-21FolksongsFromPrinceEdwardIsland, pp. 24-25,83, "Pretty Susan, the Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
Scott-ACollectorsNotebook-31TraditionalSongs, p. 32, "The Pride of Kildare" (1 text, 1 tune)
cf. Gardner/Chickering-BalladsAndSongsOfSouthernMichigan, p. 481, "Little Susin, the Pride of Kildore" (source notes only)

Roud #962
Angelo Dornan, "Pretty Susan" (on Miramichi1)
Bodleian, Harding B 11(3331), "Pretty Susan the Pride of Kildare," J. Howe (Hull), 1835-1843; also Harding B 17(246b), Harding B 11(3169), Harding B 11(3168), Firth c.18(89), Harding B 11(3167), 2806 c.16(68), Firth b.26(293), Johnson Ballads 3196, Firth c.16(437), Harding B 11(1717), Firth b.27(339), Firth b.25(496), Harding B 11(1110), Firth c.16(437), "Pretty Susan the Pride of Kildare"
Murray, Mu23-y1:118, "Pretty Susan the Pride of Kildare," unknown, 19C

File: LP06

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