Donald Monroe [Laws J12]
DESCRIPTION: Monroe leaves Ireland for America, leaving his boys in Scotland because he cannot pay their fare. Years later the boys join the British army and sail to America. There the boys are killed by rebels, one of them their father; there is a sorrowful parting
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: c. 1778 (chapbook)
KEYWORDS: emigration family soldier reunion death battle parting
FOUND IN: US(MA,MW) Canada(Mar,Newf)
REFERENCES (11 citations):
Laws J12, "Donald Monroe"
Logan-APedlarsPack pp. 413-415, "Munro's Tragedy" (1 text)
Rickaby-BalladsAndSongsOfTheShantyBoy 51, "Daniel Monroe" (1 text, 1 tune)
Rickaby/Dykstra/Leary-PineryBoys-SongsSongcatchingInLumberjackEra 51, "Daniel Monroe" (1 text, 1 tune)
Bethke-AdirondackVoices, pp. 113-114, "Two Sons of North Britain" (1 text, 1 tune)
Greenleaf/Mansfield-BalladsAndSeaSongsOfNewfoundland 157, "Donald Monroe" (1 fragment)
Peacock, pp. 812-816, "Donald Munro" (2 texts, 3 tunes)
Leach-FolkBalladsSongsOfLowerLabradorCoast 37, "Daniel Monroe" (2 texts, 1 tune)
Creighton-SongsAndBalladsFromNovaScotia 61, "Donald Munro" (1 text, 1 tune)
Mackenzie-BalladsAndSeaSongsFromNovaScotia 131, "Donald Munro" (1 text)
Roud #521
Francis O'Brien, "Daniel Monroe" (on MUNFLA/Leach)
Edward Primroy, "Daniel Monroe" (on MUNFLA/Leach)
Albert Roche, "Donald Monroe" (on ITMA/CapeShoreNL)
Monica Rossiter, "Daniel Monroe" (on MUNFLA/Leach)
Mrs Thomas Walters, "Donald Munro" (on PeacockCDROM) [one verse only]
Bodleian, Harding B 25(538), "Donald Munro's Tragedy," Stephenson (Gateshead), 1821-1850; also Harding B 11(2599), "Donald Monro"; 2806 c.14(71), "Donald Munro"
Sons of Lord Bateman
You Sons of North Britain
File: LJ12
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