Murder of Sarah Vail, The [Laws F9]

DESCRIPTION: John Monroe, a married man with two children, seduces Sarah Vail, who bears him a child. He takes woman and child on a trip, murders them, and hides their bodies. When his crime is discovered, he is hanged
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (Flanders/Ballard/Brown/Barry-NewGreenMountainSongster)
KEYWORDS: homicide pregnancy children corpse
Oct 31, 1868 - Murder of Sarah Vail and her child
Feb 1870 - Hanging of John Monroe
FOUND IN: US(NE) Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Laws F9, "The Murder of Sarah Vail"
Creighton-FolksongsFromSouthernNewBrunswick 89, "Munro's Confession" (1 text, 1 tune)
Flanders/Ballard/Brown/Barry-NewGreenMountainSongster, pp. 221-223, "The Murder of Sarah Vail" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #2258
File: LF09

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