Home Manufactures
DESCRIPTION: "Let home manufactures engage our attention, For foreign products must suffer declension" (sic.). The singer praises the mineral and natural wealth of Utah, and lists the many sorts of people among the Mormons, which will enable them to build an economy
AUTHOR: probably William Willes
EARLIEST DATE: 1872 (Willes, The Mountain Warbler)
KEYWORDS: technology worker | Mormon
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Lingenfelter/Dwyer/Cohen-SongsOfAmericanWest, pp. 246-247, "Home Manufactures" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: William Willes, _The Mountain Warbler: Being a Collection of Original Songs and Recitations, by WIlliam Willes, with a Selection from Other writes, for the Use of Choirs, Sabbath Schools and Families_, Deseret News Book and Job Establishment, Salt Lake City, 1872 (available on Google Books), pp. 24-25, "Home Manufactures" (1 text, tune referenced)
cf. "Sprig of Shillaleh" (tune)
NOTES [74 words]: Not everything in the Willes book is by Willes (and, we might add, it's texts only; no tunes are printed; despite its title, it's not what I would call a book for choirs!). Willes generally attributes poems written by others, and this has no attribution. On the other hand, he put a "W. W." after some of his own poems, and it doesn't have that, either. It's almost certainly by Willes, but perhaps one could argue that it has not been proved. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: LDC246
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