Private Michael Cassidy

DESCRIPTION: "Assidy, assidy, Sergeant/Private Michael Cassidy, He's the boy, a wonderful sagacity, Sergeant Michael Cassidy."
AUTHOR: R. P. Weston and Jack Norworth (source: sheet music published by Francis, Day and Hunter)
EARLIEST DATE: 1915 (sheet music)
KEYWORDS: soldier
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Kane-SongsAndSayingsOfAnUlsterChildhood, p. 156, "Assidy, assidy, Sergeant Michael Cassidy" (1 fragment)
Roud #25547
NOTES [84 words]: Edith Fowke's notes say that this is a version of "Private Michael Cassidy, V.C.," which was recorded by its co-author Jack Norworth on Columbia 2609 and Regal G712. The sheet music was published; I found catalog records in British and Australian libraries, but no one seems to have a scan, so I don't know what the song is about.
I do not find a Michael Cassidy among the winners of the Victoria Cross.
For the long list of songs by R. P. Weston, or Weston and Bert Lee, see the notes to "Goodbye-ee." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: KSUC156A

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