Put Me Upon an Island Where the Girls are Few

DESCRIPTION: "Put me upon an island where the girls are few, Put me among the fiercest lions in the zoo, Put me upon a desert and I will not fret, But for any sake don't put me near a Suffragette!"
AUTHOR: Will Letters (source: sheet music published by National Music Publishing Co.)
EARLIEST DATE: 1909 (sung by Wilkie Bard)
KEYWORDS: political animal | island suffragette
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Kane-SongsAndSayingsOfAnUlsterChildhood, p. 153, "Put me upon an island where the girls are few" (1 text)
Peirce-KeepTheKettleBoiling, p. 59, "(Put me upon an island)" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: John Mullen, _The Show Must Go On! Popular Song in Britain during the First World War_, French edition 2012; English edition, Ashgate, 2015, p. 123, "(no title)" (1 excerpt)

Roud #25542
NOTES [54 words]: I think it safe to say that this is a lot less funny than the original author thought it was.
According to John Mullen, The Show Must Go On! Popular Song in Britain during the First World War, French edition 2012; English edition, Ashgate, 2015, p.122, this is an "anti-suffragette" song sung by Wilkie Bard in 1909. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: KSUC153C

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