Teraksen Soitto (Song of Steel)
DESCRIPTION: Finnish. "Teraksen muokkaajat, lisaarvon tuattajat." "Makers of steel, producers of wealth, Have heard the music of steel." The workers consider it wrong to add to the wealth of the rich. Workers are called upon to umite
AUTHOR: Axel Simonen (source: Korson-PennsylvaniaSongsAndLegends)
EARLIEST DATE: 1947 (Korson-PennsylvaniaSongsAndLegends); reportedly written about 1930
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage labor-movement technology
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Korson-PennsylvaniaSongsAndLegends, pp. 451-453, "Teraksen Soitto (Song of Steel)" (1 Finnish text plus non-poetic English translation, 1 tune)
File: KPL451
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