When Jim Gets to Klondike

DESCRIPTION: "Good morning, and how do you do, Mrs. Murray?" Times are hard, and Jim is going to Klondike. The strikers and the soldiers drove him away. He will send money when he gets there; with his riches, they will join him
AUTHOR: Con Carbon? (source: Korson-MinstrelsOfTheMinePatch)
EARLIEST DATE: 1938 (Korson-MinstrelsOfTheMinePatch)
KEYWORDS: mining separation gold
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Korson-MinstrelsOfTheMinePatch, pp. 236-237, "When Jim Gets to Klondike" (1 text)
NOTES [69 words]: Korson's sources attributed this to Con Carbon, the most noteworthy songwriter of the anthracite region, but Korson apparently didn't get it directly from Carbon. I'm not sure it's traditional, and it certainly isn't very generous to foreigners, but I'm including it just in case.
Con Carbon, the purported author of this piece, is also known for "Me Johnny Mitchell Man"; see that song for other songs of his. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.2
File: KMMP236

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