Missa Ramgoat (Mister Ramgoat)
DESCRIPTION: Jamaican patois. Mr Ramgoat, the barber has come. Please lend me your razor to shave off my long beard.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (Murray-FolkSongsOfJamaica)
KEYWORDS: nonballad worksong animal
FOUND IN: West Indies(Jamaica)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Murray-FolkSongsOfJamaica, p. 39, "Missa Ramgoat" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Noel Dexter and Godfrey Taylor, _Mango Time - Folk Songs of Jamaica_ (Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2007), p. 75, "Missa Ram Goat O" (1 text, 1 tune)
Edric Connor with the Caribbeans and Earl Inkman, "Missa Ramgoat" (on WIEConnor01)
NOTES [31 words]: Murray-FolkSongsOfJamaica has this as a song "from Jamaican folklore, which may mean a cante-fable song. Dexter/Taylor say "a song sometimes used to accompany work or as a mento piece." - BS
Last updated in version 3.7
File: JaMu039
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