Ratta Madan-Law (Rat's Mother-in-Law)
DESCRIPTION: Jamaican patois: Rat's mother-in-law cuts Rat's shirt; Rat laughs. Rat's brother-in-law cuts Rat's waistcoat; Rat laughs. Rat's father-in-law hits Rat in the belly; Rat laughs so hard he falls down as if dead. Mongoose comes and kills Rat.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (Murray-FolkSongsOfJamaica)
KEYWORDS: hate marriage death humorous animal injury
FOUND IN: West Indies(Jamaica)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Murray-FolkSongsOfJamaica, pp. 31-32, "Ratta Madan-Law" (1 text, 1 tune)
Edric Connor with the Caribbeans and Earl Inkman, "Ratta Madan-Law" (on WIEConnor01)
File: JaMu031
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