Haming on a Live Oak Log (Mister Gator)
DESCRIPTION: "I went down on the river on a live oak log, log, log, Well the way I was haming, partner, like a lowdown dog, like a lowdown dog." The singer confuses a gator for a log and has to fight it. He complains about his sentence and the work his captain demands
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (recorded from "Chinaman" Johnson by Bower, Lomax, and Seeger)
KEYWORDS: animal fight prison
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Jackson-WakeUpDeadMan, pp. 240-245, "Haming on a Live Oak Log" (3 texts, 1 tune)
Roud #17457?
I Was Down in the Bottom
Shake It, Mister Gator,
Move Along, 'Gator
File: JDM240
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