Depot Camp, The
DESCRIPTION: A logger dreams St. Peter won't accept the depot camp loggers but buys them off by sending material to make next year's drive heavenly: gold axes to use and gold fish to eat. In his dream the next year he can't find the camp. He wakes to his old camp.
AUTHOR: James O'Hara? (possible, per Ives-FolksongsFromMaine)
EARLIEST DATE: 1962 (Ives-FolksongsFromMaine)
LONG DESCRIPTION: A logger dreams that he goes to Heaven. St. Peter sends him back to bring up the depot camp crew. When they return St. Peter decides he can't have them in Heaven but, since they have only five sins among them, he can't reject them. He tells them to return for next year's drive and he will send logs and other things to make the camp heavenly. They expect the next year "we'll have a jolly time, Our axes they'll be made of gold... we'll eat golden fishes there instead of rotten cod." In the dream a year passes and the loggers can't find the heavenly camp. The dreamer wakes when the cook cries "turn out"
KEYWORDS: gold lumbering dream food moniker supernatural logger
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Ives-FolksongsFromMaine 1, "The Depot Camp" (2 texts, 2 tunes)
NOTES [35 words]: Ives-FolksongsFromMaine: "The year was 1901 or 1902; the operation was run by James McNulty of Bangor.... The 'depot camp' was the central or base camp from which other camps in the operation were supplied." - BS
Last updated in version 3.6
File: IveMa01
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