Bachelor's Hall (III)

DESCRIPTION: "Young ladies all, both short, fat, and tall, On me you will surely take pity, For a bachelor's hall is no place at all." The singer would rather be married: it's less expensive. He lists his household assets in hopes of attracting a wife.
AUTHOR: Larry Gorman (1846-1917)
EARLIEST DATE: 1957 (Ives-DriveDullCareAway-PrinceEdwardIsland)
KEYWORDS: courting bragging humorous nonballad bachelor
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Ives-DriveDullCareAway-PrinceEdwardIsland, pp. 39-41,241, "Bachelor's Hall" (1 text, 1 tune)
Ives-LarryGorman, pp. 20-22, 190, "Bachelor's Hall" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #14002
cf. "The Courting Case" (theme)
cf. "Michael O'Brien" (theme)
File: IvDC039

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