Good Morning, Ladies All (II)
DESCRIPTION: Pump or halyard shanty. "We are outward bound for Mobile Town, with a heave-o, haul! An' we'll heave the ol' wheel round an' round, Good mornin' ladies all!" Rest of verses on going home, spending money, women, and general good times themes.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1921 (Richard Runciman Terry's _The Shanty Book_, Pt.1)
KEYWORDS: shanty home dancing
FOUND IN: Britain West Indies
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Hugill-ShantiesFromTheSevenSeas pp. 349-351, "Good Morning, Ladies All" (2 texts, 2 tunes; the "b" text is this piece, while "a" is "Good Morning, Ladies All (I)") [AbEd, p. 263]
Terry-TheShantyBook-Part1, #18, "Good morning, ladies all" (1 text, 1 tune)
Kinsey-SongsOfTheSea, pp. 91-92, "Good Morning, Ladies All" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #8290
cf. "Outward and Homeward Bound" (shared verses)
File: Hugi350
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