Rosabella Fredolin

DESCRIPTION: Sailor sings about his "greatest delight," a rope maker's daughter who betrayed him when he sailed away. She tore up his letters to use as hair curlers. When he hears of this he writes a farewell to her and adds mention of her drinking and smoking habits.
AUTHOR: unknown
LONG DESCRIPTION: Sailor sings about his "greatest delight," a rope maker's daughter who betrayed him when he sailed away. She tore up his letters to use as hair curlers. When he hears of this he writes a farewell to her and adds mention of her drinking and smoking habits. This was often sung to the tune of "Ane Madam," a Swedish version of "Blow the Man Down."
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage sailor courting rejection farewell hair drink
FOUND IN: Sweden
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Hugill-ShantiesFromTheSevenSeas, pp. 216-219, "Rosabella Fredolin" (2 texts, English & Swedish, 1 tune)
Hugill-SongsOfTheSea, p. 104, "Rosabella Fredolin" (2 texts, Swedish and English, 1 tune)

cf. "Ane Madam" (tune)
NOTES [27 words]: Hugill-ShantiesFromTheSevenSeas took this from Sang under Segel (1935) where the compiler (Sternvall) says that it came from a seaman's song-book dated 1844. - SL
Last updated in version 5.0
File: Hugi216

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