In the Mormon Beds Out West

DESCRIPTION: "In the Mormon beds out West, There the concubines do rest While husbands visit Emily and Jane! Oh! how the babies do abound By the thousands all around While the husband now slips in to see Elaine."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1950 (Hubbard-BalladsAndSongsFromUtah)
KEYWORDS: humorous wife husband children
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Hubbard-BalladsAndSongsFromUtah, #223, "In the Mormon Beds out West" (1 short text)
Cheney-MormonSongs, pp. 175-176, "(In the Mormon beds out west" (1 fragment)
Greenway-FolkloreOfTheGreatWest, pp. 264-265, "(In the Mormon beds out west)" (1 fragment)

Roud #10951
File: Hubb223

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