'Way in the Kingdom (Aunt Susie)

DESCRIPTION: "Oh the bells did ring when Massa did die, 'Way in the kingdom, And the darkies didn't they holler and cry." "Sinners won't you rise and tel, Jesus has done all thing well." "Hallelujah to the lamb." "Come along Moses,,, Stretch your rod and come across"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1966 (Huntington-FolksongsFromMarthasVineyard)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad death
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Huntington-FolksongsFromMarthasVineyard, pp. 65-66, "'Way in the Kingdon" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #11620
NOTES [83 words]: Roud lumps this with "'In the Kingdom," but the contents are so different that I've split them.
Moses's rod is referred to many times in the Bible, starting in Exodus 4:3 where God turns it to a snake; this is one of the techniques Moses uses to convince others, and the staff is also used to initiate some of the plagues of Egypt. But the most relevant usage here is surely from Exodus 14:15, where Moses uses the staff to part the Sea of Reeds ("Red Sea," in many of the modern mistranslations). - RBW
Last updated in version 5.2
File: HuVi065

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