Girls of the King's Navy

DESCRIPTION: "The first thing we'll ask for, we'll ask for some men, And may we have one more for every good WREN." Or maybe ten men. The women also want more pay. And more dates. The XO offers them what they want -- and much more
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1979 (Hopkins-SongsFromTheFrontAndRear)
KEYWORDS: soldier courting nonballad
FOUND IN: Canada
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Hopkins-SongsFromTheFrontAndRear, pp. 144-145, "Girls of the King's Navy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #350
cf. "The First Thing They Asked For" (lyrics, form)
NOTES [57 words]: This appears to me, based on the chorus, to be based on the Sailor's Alphabet or one of its relatives, but it is not itself an alphabet song. Roud lumps it with "The Soldier and the Sailor," which I don't see, but he also includes under that number "The First Thing They Asked For," which does appear to be a relative (probably the source). - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: Hopk144

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