While I Was Still of Tender Years

DESCRIPTION: "When I was still of tender years, Satan did entice me, He said that I might live till I got old And serve God at my leisure. At length the spirit came one day, It strove with mighty power, It caused me to weep and moan And tremble every hour."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1867 (Western Harmony)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad Devil
REFERENCES (1 citation):
High-OldOldFolkSongs, p. 43, "When I Was Young" (1 text)
cf. "Wicked Polly" [Laws H6] (theme) and references there
NOTES [48 words]: The only traditional collection of this song I know is High's. It is clearly a composed hymn, since I managed to find a copy in the 1867 "Western Harmony," but that book lists no composer -- not even a title. It is #104 in the collection. hymnary.org lists no other versions of the song. - RBW
Last updated in version 3.3
File: High043A

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