Woman at the Well, The
DESCRIPTION: "See the woman at the well, Disputing her with her Savior, Soon she found that he could tell Her of all her past behavior." She asks for a drink and runs to the town "proclaiming, Oh you every one that thirst, Come ye to the water."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1952 (High-OldOldFolkSongs)
KEYWORDS: religious Jesus travel
REFERENCES (1 citation):
High-OldOldFolkSongs, p. 9, "The Woman at the Well" (1 text)
ST High009B (Partial)
Roud #17426
NOTES [14 words]: A short summary of the story of Jesus and the Woman of Samaria in John chapter 4. - RBW
Last updated in version 3.3
File: High009B
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