Oh Dear, How I Long to Get Married
DESCRIPTION: "I am a damsel so booming and gay, Who along with the females must mingle." She is "compell'd to live single," but, "Oh dear, how I long to get married," for "I am tired of lying alone." Queen Victoria was able to marry, but the singer can't find anyone
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: before 1846 (Bodleian broadside Firth b.26(55)); first published c. 1842 (see NOTES)
KEYWORDS: oldmaid royalty
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Gardham-EarliestVersions, "OH DEAR, HOW I LONG TO GET MARRIED"
Henderson-VictorianStreetBallads, pp. 103-104, "Oh Dear how I long to get married" (1 text)
Roud #1647
Bodleian, Firth b.26(55), "Oh Dear! How I Long to Get Married!," J. Paul (London), 1838-1845; also Harding B 11(2739); Harding B 11(619), Ryle and Paul (London) 1838-1859; Harding B 11(2738); Harding B 11(2741)
NOTES [74 words]: Although I have not found an attributed version of this song, all the Bodleian broadsides refer to Queen Victoria and say that she has two children. Her first two children were Victoria (1840-1901), later Empress of Germany, and Edward (1841-1910), later King Edward VII. Her third child, Alice, was born 1843. So this song was almost certainly written between November 9, 1841, when Edward was born, and April 23, 1843, when Alice was born. - RBW
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