Packet Ship

DESCRIPTION: "Bounty was a packet ship, Pump ship, packet ship, Sailing on a cruising trip, In the south Pacific!" "Billy Bligh(t), that silly man... was the master in command." The men mutiny and put Billy Blight off in a boat. The Bounty disappears
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1977 (Hugill-SongsOfTheSea)
KEYWORDS: ship sailor shanty mutiny
1787 - The Bounty, under William Bligh, sets sail for the South Seas
Apr 28, 1789 - The Bounty mutiny, in which Bligh and 18 others are set adrift in a boat. They make it back to England; the mutineers settle in the South Seas
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Hugill-SongsOfTheSea, p. 152, "Bounty Was a Packet Ship" (1 text, 1 tune)
Kinsey-SongsOfTheSea, pp. 113-114, "Packet Ship" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #8235
cf. "The Bounty" (subject of the Bounty mutiny)
File: HSoSe152

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