Owenreigh's Banks

DESCRIPTION: The singer, bound for America, bids farewell to Glenrannel, his friends, and his sweetheart most of all. His one true fear is leaving her, and having "the ties of love... rend in twain." He bids his friends drink, and promises to remain affectionate
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1925 (Sam Henry collection)
KEYWORDS: emigration farewell
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Henry/Huntingdon/Herrmann-SamHenrysSongsOfThePeople H100b, p. 193, "Glenrannel's Plains" (1 text); H225, pp. 196-197, "Owenreagh's Banks"
Roud #13550
NOTES [44 words]: The editors of the Henry collection do not seem to have noticed that these two texts are the same song. But they have the same plot, and very many of the same lyrics; only the place has changed. I chose the "Owenreagh" title because it is the version with a tune. - RBW
File: HHH100b

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