Joan Sanderson (The Cushion Dance)

DESCRIPTION: "'This dance it will no further go.' 'I pray you, (Sir), Why say you so?' 'Because (Joan Sanderson) will not come too.' 'She must come too, and she shall come too... whether she will or no.' 'Welcome, Joan Sanderson.' Prankum, Prankum is a fine dance."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1859 (Chappell-PopularMusicOfTheOldenTime)
KEYWORDS: dancing rejection
FOUND IN: Britain(England(West))
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Gundry-CanowKernow-SongsDancesFromCornwall, p. 5, "Joan Sanderson or The Cushion Dance" (1 text, 1 tune, plus dance instructions)
Chappell-PopularMusicOfTheOldenTime, pp. 153-157, "The Cushion Dance" (2 tunes, with references to the text)
Chappell/Wooldridge-OldEnglishPopularMusic I, pp. 287-288, "Joan Sanderson, or The Cushion Dance" (1 tune)

Roud #19195
File: Gund005

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