She's Aye Tease, Teasin'

DESCRIPTION: "I bocht my wife a steen [stone] o' lint [flax] As good e'er did grow, She carded it ... And let it in lowe [set it on fire]. She's aye tease, teasin', She's aye teasin me; This wicked wife she'll en' my life She winna lat me be"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1917 (Greig/Duncan7)
KEYWORDS: shrewishness fire husband wife
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Greig/Duncan7 1338, "She's Aye Tease, Teasin'" (1 fragment)
Roud #7221
cf. "The Spinnin o't" (theme: the wife who won't spin, but sets the flax on fire)
cf. "The Wee Pickle Tow" (theme: the wife who won't spin, but sets the flax on fire)
cf. "The Pound of Tow" (theme: the wife who won't spin)
cf. "The Weary Pound o' Tow" (theme: the wife who won't spin)
cf. "Scolding Wife" (IV) (structure and subject)
NOTES [101 words]: The current description is all of the Greig/Duncan7 fragment; the [glosses are] from Greig/Duncan7.
Though the Greig/Duncan7 fragment shares a narrow theme with the listed cross-references neither its structure nor words are close enough that I can lump it with any of those songs. The closest is the Burns and Chambers text of "The Weary Pund o' Tow" that shares the first two lines of the Greig/Duncan7 text.
The structure of the Greig/Duncan7 text fits "Scolding Wife" (IV). If I could find a hint of the "She's Aye Tease, Teasin'" verse in any "Scolding Wife" texts I would consider them the same song. - BS
Last updated in version 2.5
File: GrD71338

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