Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell

DESCRIPTION: The singer says "a winsome lassock lives hard by Dumbarton's bonnie dell." He'll never be happy until Dumbarton's belle is his wife.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1844 (broadside, LOCSheet sm1844 400120)
KEYWORDS: love nonballad
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig/Duncan7 1323, "Dumbarton's Bell" (1 fragment)
Dime-Song-Book #5/72, p. 30 and #5/64, p. 30, "Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell" (1 text)

Roud #7145
LOCSheet, sm1844 400120, "Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell," George Willig (Philadelphia), 1844 (tune)
Murray, Mu23-y3:013, "Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell," James Lindsay (Glasgow), 19C
NLScotland, L.C.1270(001), "Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell" ("There's ne'er a nook in a' the land"), unknown, c.1845; also L.C.Fol.178.A.2(038), "Dumbarton's Bonnie Dell"

NOTES [98 words]: Broadside LOCSheet sm1844 400120 claims authorship for Francis Weiland but it is never clear whether "author" may not just be arranger. Greig/Duncan7 cites a Poet's Box 1857 broadside that claims authorship for Mr C M Westmacott. Since Poet's Box broadsides have no arrangement that claim may be the better one. A clue as to when it was written is the reference to "the land That William rules sae well."
Broadsides NLScotland L.C.Fol.178.A.2(038) and Murray Mu23-y3:013 are duplicates.
Greig/Duncan7 is a fragment; broadside NLScotland L.C.1270(001) is the basis for the description. - BS
Last updated in version 6.6
File: GrD71323

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