I'll Gar Our Gudeman Trow
DESCRIPTION: A wife tells how she'd control her husband: threaten to sell the ladle unless he'd buy her a side saddle; threaten to sulk again unless he gives her twelve gold rings; threaten again to die unless he hires valets for her. She sneers at other women
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1824 (_The Ballad-Book_ [Not Sharpe] privately published in Edinburgh, according to Chambers)
KEYWORDS: bargaining bragging nonballad husband wife
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Greig/Duncan7 1310, "I'll Gar Our Gudeman Trow" (1 text)
Whitelaw-BookOfScottishSong, p. 43, "I'll Gar Our Gudeman" (1 text)
Lyle/McAlpine/McLucas-SongRepertoireOfAmeliaAndJaneHarris, pp. 147-148, "I'll Gar our gudeman trow" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Robert Chambers, The Scottish Songs (Edinburgh, 1829), Vol I, p. 123, "I'll Gar Our Gudeman Trow"
Roud #1560
File: GrD71310
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