Chieftain's Daughter, The
DESCRIPTION: Lord Ronald's daughter asks the boatman to "row me over the flowing tide ... Thou shalt have gold when I'm a bride." At first he refuses because of the "angry water" but he agrees when told who she is. The boatman gets his gold.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1908 (Greig/Duncan6)
KEYWORDS: escape river gold storm father money
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #40, p. 2, "The Chieftain's Daughter" (1 text)
Greig/Duncan6 1261, "The Chieftain's Daughter" (1 text)
Roud #6793
cf. "Lord Ullin's Daughter" (theme)
NOTES [121 words]: Greig: "Clearly this has some connection with Campbell's famous ballad of 'Lord Ullin's Daughter' [which opens 'A Chieftain, to the Highlands bound, Cries, 'Boatman, do not tarry! And I'll give thee a silver pound To row us o'er the ferry!', Charles W. Eliot, editor, English Poetry Vol II From Collins to Fitzgerald (New York, 1910), #455, pp. 773-775 (Thomas Campbell)]" In that poem Lord Ullin's daughter and her lover are fleeing from her father's men; the boatman takes them "not for your silver bright; But for your winsome lady."
The opening lines of Greig/Duncan6 ("Boatman, boatman, row me over, Row me over the flowing tide") are obviously related to "Row Us Over the Tide" but there seems to be no other connection. - BS
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File: GrD61261
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