Lucy's Flittin'

DESCRIPTION: Lucy's term was over and she "left her auld master and neebours sae dear." "I'm jist like the lammie that loses its mither." She and Jamie love each other but he only gives her a ribbon when they part. They won't meet again.
AUTHOR: William Laidlaw (1780-1845) (source: Ford)
EARLIEST DATE: 1810 (James Hogg's _The Forest Minstrel_, according to Ford and Greig/Duncan6)
KEYWORDS: loneliness love parting servant
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig/Duncan6 1248, "Lucy's Flittin'" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Robert Ford, editor, Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland [first series] (Paisley,1899), pp. 170-172, "Lucy's Flittin'"

Roud #2641
NOTES [67 words]: Ford: "This deeply pathetic ballad has so much of the country air about it that it has maintained its immense popularity almost entirely among the rural population."
From Peter A Hall, "Farm Life and the Farm Songs," pp. xxi-xxxi in Greig/Duncan3: "The time between hirings was, in the mid nineteenth century North-East, predominantly six months ['terms'] and the hiring was generally called feeing." - BS
Last updated in version 2.5
File: GrD61248

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