I've Lost My Love and I Kenna Weel Fu
DESCRIPTION: The singer says she has lost her love and "keena weel fu" [doesn't know how], but it would be childish to complain. Men are "as fickle as winter in sunshine an' shower." "The lossing o ane's the gainin o twa." He dares not return.
AUTHOR: James Hogg (1770-1835)
EARLIEST DATE: 1829 (Hogg)
KEYWORDS: courting infidelity nonballad
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Greig/Duncan6 1147, "I've Lost My Love and I Kenna Weel Fu" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: James Hogg [writing as The Ettrick Shepherd], ("I hae lost my love, an' I dinna ken how") in _The Edinburgh Literary Journal_ (Edinburgh, 1829 ("Digitized by Google")), (No. 10, Jan 17, 1829) p. 141 (1 text)
Roud #2075
cf. "O'er the Water to Charlie" (tune, per Greig/Duncan6)
cf. "I Lost My Lad" (a derivative game song)
I've Lost My Love, and I Carena
NOTES [80 words]: Hogg's poem takes the man's view. In James Hogg, Songs by The Ettrick Shepherd (Edinburgh, 1831 ("Digitized by Google")), pp. 247-248, "I Hae Lost My Love," he subtitles the poem as "A bitter song against the women." Hogg describes women as "fickle as winter, in sunshine and shower, The hearts o' a' mankind beguiling.... Their ill faults I couldna tell ower in a day But their beauty's the warst thing about them! ... 'tis her that will bring this ill warld to an end...." - BS
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File: GrD61147
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