Braes o' Turra, The

DESCRIPTION: The singer meets a maiden lamenting that she has been deserted by "false deluding" Johnny the schoolmaster. His education made her think him a man of honor while she, a servant and poor shepherd's daughter, has "neither gold nor breeding"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1906 (Greig/Duncan6)
KEYWORDS: love servant abandonment
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #134, p. 2, "The Bonnie Braes o' Turra"; #131, p. 3, ("As I walked out one mornin' fair") (1 text plus 1 fragment)
Greig/Duncan6 1124, "The Braes o' Turra" (3 texts, 3 tunes)

Roud #6323
Johnny the Schoolmaster
File: GrD61124

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.