Child of Elle (II), The

DESCRIPTION: Emmeline's father chooses a knight to be her husband. She and Elle elope. The knight follows and Elle kills him. Her father and his men arrive. Elle calls on his own men. Standoff. Father agrees to their marriage, ending an old feud.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1783 (Pinkerton's _Select Scottish Ballads_ , according to Greig/Duncan5)
KEYWORDS: elopement marriage feud fight father
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #125, pp. 1-2, "The Child of Elle" (1 text)
Greig/Duncan5 1026, "The Child of Elly" (1 text)

Roud #23
cf. "Earl Brand" [Child 7] (some plot elements: elopement, chase by father)
NOTES [75 words]: The Greig/Duncan5 text is very close to the Percy's "Child of Elle" (see Thomas Percy, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ... with [an anonymous] Supplement (Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, 1876), 11, pp. 87-89, "The Child of Elle") of which Child said one fifth was genuine as a text for Child 7. The shorter of Percy's texts, with the same name, was accepted by Child as 7F. The Greig/Duncan collection includes its versions of Child 7 in volume 2. - BS
Last updated in version 2.6
File: GrD51026

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