Glead, The
DESCRIPTION: A young glead is abandoned but rescued and well raised by a man. In his greed he ignores the tenth commandment, drives poor women from their farms, and tries to buy the town of Mains. The singer wishes "muckle toil and pains For a' your gread and pains"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1914 (Greig/Duncan3)
KEYWORDS: greed farming bird
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Greig/Duncan3 679, "The Glead" (1 text)
Roud #6102
cf. "The Greedy Gled o' Mains" (subject?)
NOTES [70 words]: Greig/Duncan3 glossary p. xlii: "gled,glead" is translated as "kite,hawk."
"The Greedy Gled o' Mains" begins "There lives a farmer in this place His name ye nead na speire." Greig/Duncan3 says nothing to solve the mystery for that song or for "The Glead." It seems likely to me that both songs are about the same person.
Exodus 20.17: the tenth commandment is "thou shalt not covet ... anything that is thy neighbor's." - BS
Last updated in version 2.4
File: GrD3679
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