Guid Coat o' Blue, The

DESCRIPTION: The singer's wife buys him a good coat against the winter. "Nae mair will I dread the cauld blasts o' Ben Ledi." He ridicules those who, in pride, prefer new fashions to such a coat. "We fret over taxes ... but daft silly pride is the warst tax o' ony"
AUTHOR: John Paterson (source: _Whistle-Binkie_)
EARLIEST DATE: 1843 (_Whistle-Binkie_)
KEYWORDS: pride clothes nonballad wife
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig/Duncan3 660, "The Guid Coat o' Blue" (2 texts, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Alexander Rodger, editor, Whistle-Binkie, Fifth Series (Glasgow, 1843), pp. 10-11, "My Guid Coat o' Blue"; also Whistle-Binkie, (Glasgow, 1878), Vol II, pp. 128-129, "My Guid Coat o' Blue"

Roud #6087
Bodleian, Firth b.27(324), "Guid Coat o' Blue" ("The blue bell was gane, and the bloom aff the heather"), The Poet's Box (Glasgow), 1849-1880; also Harding B 17(205b), "My Guid Coat o' Blue"; Harding B 26(238)[some words illegible], "The Gude Coat o' Blue"
cf. "The Lass o' Glenshee" (tune, per _Whistle-Binkie_ and Bodleian broadsides Firth b.27(324) and Harding B 17(205b))
The Coat o' Blue
File: GrD3660

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