Highlands! The Highlands, The

DESCRIPTION: "Though bleak be your clime and though scanty your fare My heart's in the Highlands, oh! gin I waur there!" The singer thinks about his mother in her cottage "croonin', 'Haste ye back, Donald, to leave us na mair."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1914 (Greig/Duncan3)
KEYWORDS: homesickness travel nonballad mother home
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Greig/Duncan3 522, "The Highlands! The Highlands" (1 text)
Roud #6004
My Heart's in the Highlands
NOTES [55 words]: This is one of a group of songs in which mother waits in her cottage (or so the son believes) for her son who is far away; for example, "Cottage With the Horsheshoe o'er the Door," "My Gray Haired Irish Mother," and "There's No One Like Mother To Me" (and, lacking the cottage, songs like "When the Work's All Done This Fall"). - BS
Last updated in version 2.4
File: GrD3522

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