South Ythsie

DESCRIPTION: Forsay fees to Johnnie Gray and names the crew. He seems to like the work well enough but at term day "I'll tak' my budgets on my back, Farewell to Johnnie Gray."
AUTHOR: William Forsyth (source: Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #19, p. 2)
EARLIEST DATE: 1906 (Greig/Duncan3); reportedly written in 1851
KEYWORDS: farming worker moniker
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #21, pp. 2-3, "South Ythsie" (1 text)
Greig/Duncan3 355, "South Ythsie" (3 texts, 2 tunes)

Roud #5758
Little Ythsie
NOTES [89 words]: Notes to IRClare01: "A budget is a bag or knapsack used for carrying tools."
From Peter A Hall, "Farm Life and the Farm Songs," pp. xxi-xxxi in Greig/Duncan3: "The time between hirings was, in the mid nineteenth century North-East, predominantly six months ['terms'] and the hiring was generally called feeing."
Greig/Duncan3 has a map on p. xxxv, of "places mentioned in songs in volume 3" showing the song number as well as place name; South Ythsie (355) is at coordinate (h3,v9) on that map [roughly 17 miles N of Aberdeen]. - BS
Last updated in version 2.4
File: GrD3355

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