Sarah Barnwell

DESCRIPTION: Sarah's brother disapproves of her love for Samuel. Samuel decides to face her brother "upon the mountains high" and disarms him; for Sarah's sake Samuel spares her brother's life. The brother approves the marriage and gives the couple half his lands.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1794 (broadside, Bodleian Johnson Ballads 351)
KEYWORDS: courting fight brother
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South),Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (6 citations):
Gardham-EarliestVersions, "YOUNG BARNSWELL"
Greig-FolkSongInBuchan-FolkSongOfTheNorthEast #159, p. 3, ("Gin ye'll gie me your hand, Sarah") (1 fragment)
Greig/Duncan2 218, "Sarah Barnwell" (1 text)
Reeves/Sharp-TheIdiomOfThePeople 115, "Young Barnswell" (1 text)
Reeves-TheEverlastingCircle 140, "Young Barnable" (1 text)
Williams-FolkSongsOfTheUpperThames, pp. 158-159, "Captain Barniwell" (1 text) (also Williams-Wiltshire-WSRO Bk 16)

Roud #955
Bodleian, Harding B 25(2130)[final lines illegible], "Young Barnwell" ("Abroad as I was walking, I heard two lovers talking"), A. Swindells (Manchester), 1796-1853; also Johnson Ballads 351, "Captain Barnwell" ("Alone as I was walking on a summer's morn"), J. Evans (London), 1794; also Harding B 25(2130)[final lines illegible], "Young Barnwell"
cf. "The Two Constant Lovers" (plot)
Upon the Mountains High
NOTES [115 words]: The description follows Karpeles, ed.,Cecil Sharp's Collection of English Folk Songs (London, 1974), Vol. I, #73, pp. 318-319, "Young Barnswell" (1906, Somerset) and broadside Bodleian Harding B 25(2130). - BS
"The Two Constant Lovers" is an earlier ballad sharing the plot, cast of characters, and a few phrases. Since little of the text is shared with "Young Barnwell" I consider these separate songs. - BS
Chappell-PopularMusicOfTheOldenTime, pp. 189-190, "Over and Under," has the same first lines as some versions of this, the tune being described as a minor version of "When Jones's Ale Was New." Chappell has only a partial text, so I can't say with certainty if they are related. - RBW
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File: GrD2218

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