Chip, Chip, Cherry

DESCRIPTION: "Chip, chip, cherry, All the men in (London)derry, Can't climb chip, chip, cherry." A riddle, supposed answer being smoke from a chimney
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1969 (Greenway-FolkloreOfTheGreatWest)
KEYWORDS: riddle nonballad
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Greenway-FolkloreOfTheGreatWest, p. 63, "(Chip, chip, cherry)" (1 short text)
NOTES [45 words]: I have no real evidence that this little verse circulates as a song on its own. But Steve Roud lists one version of his #801 ("The Old Maid's Song (I)") as opening "Chip, chap, cherry, all the men in Londonderry." So there is some sort of traditional element to this. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: GFGW063A

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