First Night's Courtship, The
DESCRIPTION: "When I was a big boy, wi' the thoughts o' the joy," the youth meets Maggie at the fair. After some persuasion, they return to her barn. Her father comes out raging, but they have locked the barn. They flee when he seeks another entrance
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1935 (Gardner/Chickering-BalladsAndSongsOfSouthernMichigan)
KEYWORDS: courting sex father children home
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Gardner/Chickering-BalladsAndSongsOfSouthernMichigan 167, "The First Night's Courting" (1 text, 1 tune)
ST GC168 (Partial)
Roud #3706
NOTES [28 words]: Though seemingly known only from the Michigan collection, this song originated in Scotland and still retains its Scots feeling. I'm surprised it isn't more widespread. - RBW
File: GC168
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