Melancholy Accident, A -- The Death of M. Hodge
DESCRIPTION: "Far distant friends will drop a tear When of this accident they hear." A group of girls visits Betsy Green's school. With bad weather coming, parents gather six girls -- but the horses fall on a slope; Mira is killed instantly; Eliza succumbs weeks later
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (Gardner/Chickering-BalladsAndSongsOfSouthernMichigan)
KEYWORDS: death horse injury disaster wreck
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Gardner/Chickering-BalladsAndSongsOfSouthernMichigan 126, "A Melancholy Accident -- The Death of M. Hodge" (1 text)
ST GC126 (Partial)
Roud #3701
NOTES [23 words]: This looks very historical, but it's not really specific enough (or clear enough; it's poor poetry) to allow much hope of dating it. - RBW
File: GC126
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