Hey Arise and Come Along
DESCRIPTION: The singer, in California, thinks about his girl in Canada. It's a fine sailing day and the boat is taking him far from Canada. Tell his girl that if he returns he will "drive her in great style" He arrives in Quebec [?] and drinks a health to Canada.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1961 (Fowke-TraditionalSingersAndSongsFromOntario)
KEYWORDS: love parting money sea ship America Canada nonballad
FOUND IN: Canada(Ont)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Fowke-TraditionalSingersAndSongsFromOntario 30, "Hey Arise and Come Along" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #2317
NOTES [90 words]: The Fowke-TraditionalSingersAndSongsFromOntario text makes more sense if the sequence of verses is reversed: the singer would leave Quebec to make his fortune and sail to California.
Fowke: "This is a Canadian version of a well known Scottish song, 'Farewell to Fiunary'.... [Except for the 'The wind is fair' verse, the] rest of the Canadian words are quite different.... They were probably composed at the time of the great gold rush of 1849 when Ontario lads, like others the world over, headed for California to seek their fortunes." - BS
Last updated in version 2.6
File: FowOn030
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