Lake of the Caogama, The

DESCRIPTION: "Oh, now we're leaving home, me boys, to Ottawa we're goin', Expectin' yo be hired, and yet we do not know." The singer hires with Tom Patterson, and spends his time in a comfortless shanty eating bad food. He misses the girls and looks forward to leaving
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1964 (Fowke)
KEYWORDS: logger work lumbering hardtimes
FOUND IN: Canada(Que)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Fowke-LumberingSongsFromTheNorthernWoods #24, "The Lake of the Caogama" (1 text, 1 tune)
Fowke/MacMillan-PenguinBookOfCanadianFolkSongs 21, "The Lake of the Caogama" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #4534
NOTES [22 words]: Typical shantyboy complaint song. Lake Caogama (pronounced keg-a-ma) was a lumber camp on the northern shore of the Ottawa River. - SL
File: FowL24

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