My Name is Edward Kelly
DESCRIPTION: The early adventures of Ned Kelly, told in the first person. He turned to robbing when his sister was harassed by police. He has escaped all attempts to catch him. He hopes to die in battle like Donahue rather than be treated like a government slave
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1964 (Manifold)
KEYWORDS: outlaw Australia escape abuse
1855 - Birth of Ned Kelly
1880 - Execution of Kelly. His last words are reported to have been "Such is life."
FOUND IN: Australia
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Fahey-Eureka-SongsThatMadeAustralia, pp. 112-114, "My Name is Edward Kelly" (1 text, 1 tune)
Manifold-PenguinAustralianSongbook, pp. 64-65, "My Name is Edward Kelly" (1 text, 1 tune)
Paterson/Fahey/Seal-OldBushSongs-CentenaryEdition, pp. 91-93, "My Name is Edward Kelly" (1 text)
Roud #22599
cf. "Kelly Was Their Captain" (subject) and notes and references there
NOTES [96 words]: This song dates itself to Kelly's twenty-fourth year. Despite his hope to die in battle, he was captured and executed the next year. John S. Manifold, Who Wrote the Ballads? Notes on Australian Folksong, Australasian Book Society, 1964, p. 75, observing that the song mentions neither Euroa nor Jerilderie, thinks this may be one of the oldest Ned Kelly songs.
Edward "Ned" Kelly and his gang are perhaps the most famous of all Australian bushrangers. For some anecdotes of his life, in addition to the cross-referenced songs, see the notes to "Kelly Was Their Captain." - RBW
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