Scandalize My Name

DESCRIPTION: "I met my preacher the other day, I gave him my right hand, And just as soon as my back was turned, He scandalized my name. Do you call that religion (x3)...." The singer continues with other examples of those who defame him
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1910 (recording, Kitty Cheatham)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad lie accusation
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Silber/Silber-FolksingersWordbook, p. 369, "Scandalize My Name" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Harold Courlander, _A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore_, Crown Publishers, 1976, p. 339 "(Scandalize My Name)" (1 text)

Kitty Cheatham, "Scandalize My Name" (Columbia A5224, 1910)
Dizie Jubilee Singers, "Don't You Scandalize My Name" (Cameo 914, 1926)
Golden Crown Quartet, "Scandalize My Name" (OKeh 8739, 1929; on VocalQ2)
Kentucky Juibilee Quartet, "Do You Call That Religion" (OKeh 8509, 1927)
Mitchell Christian Singers, "They Scandalized My Name" (Melotone M-13162/Conqueror 8457, 1934/Banner 33195, 1935)
Monroe Brothers, "Do You Call That Religion?" (Bluebird B-7055, 1937)
Sunset Four Quartette, "Do You Call That Religion" (Paramount 12221, 1924)

NOTES [42 words]: This is sometimes listed, e.g. in the Folksinger's Wordbook, as a religious song. It has a religious theme (since it catalogs those who do not practice religion as the singer thinks they should), but is not really a religious piece but a complaint. - RBW
Last updated in version 3.5
File: FSWB369

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