DESCRIPTION: The singer complains about the sins of others, spelling each out (e.g. they "d-a-n-c-e" while wearing a new "h-a-t"). The singer, though, need not worry about such things; "It's g-l-o-r-y to know I'm s-a-v-e-d."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1926 (recording, Gid Tanner & his Skillet Lickers)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad sin
FOUND IN: US Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Leach-FolkBalladsSongsOfLowerLabradorCoast 124, "S-A-V-E-D" (1 text, 1 tune)
Guigné-ForgottenSongsOfTheNewfoundlandOutports, pp. 185-186, "I Once Knew a Man (S-a-v-e-d ; I'm Saved)" (1 text, 1 tune)
Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions, pp. 144-145, "Salvation Army SOng" (1 text, 1 tune)
Silber/Silber-FolksingersWordbook, p. 349, "It's G-L-O-R-Y To Know I'm S-A-V-E-D" (1 text)
Roud #9539
Jim Bennett, "I Once Knew a Man" (on NFAGuigné01)
The Blue Sky Boys, "I'm S-A-V-E-D" (Bluebird 8401, 1940)
The Georgia Yellow Hammers, "I'm S-A-V-E-D" (Victor 21195, 1928)
Karl & Harty, "I'm S-A-V-E-D" (Perfect 6-10-54, 1936)
Gid Tanner and His Skillet Lickers, "S-A-V-E-D" (Columbia 15097-D, 1926)
NOTES [48 words]: Obviously a composed song, but I've no knowledge of the source. I've heard it enough times that I suspect it belongs in the Index. There is a list of relatively recent recording by revival singers (along with an unattributed text and tune) in Sing Out!, Volume 38, #4 (1994), p. 68. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.2
File: FSWB349
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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.