Cupid Benighted

DESCRIPTION: On a rainy night, the singer is awakened by a knocking at the door. It proves to be a winged boy with a bow (obviously Cupid). Once dry, he departs, saying, "My bow is not damaged / Nor yet is my dart / but you will have trouble / In bearing the smart"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1815 (The Songster's Companion)
KEYWORDS: supernatural gods
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Flanders/Olney-BalladsMigrantInNewEngland, pp. 180-183, "The White-Headed Boy" (1 traditional text plus the Songster's Companion version; also a copy of Derby's translation of Anacreon)
ST FO180 (Partial)
Roud #4688
NOTES [57 words]: Helen Flanders believes this piece to be based on the third Ode of Anacreon (floriut sixth century B.C.E.) The theme is obviously similar; presumably some broadside brought the song to popular consciousness.
Spaeth reports a piece by [Samuel?] Arnold called "Cupid Benighted," from 1795; I assume they are the same, but cannot prove it. - RBW
File: FO180

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