Blue Mountain

DESCRIPTION: "My home it was in Texas, My past you must not know.... Blue Mountain, you're azure deep... Blue Mountain with a horsehead on your side, You've won my love to keep." Moments in the life of a cowboy: Drinking, wandering, wishing for mother
AUTHOR: F. W. Keller (source: Fife/Fife; Cheney-MormonSongs)
EARLIEST DATE: 1946 (Fife/Fife-SaintsOfSageAndSaddle)
KEYWORDS: cowboy work travel drink commerce moniker
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Fife/Fife-CowboyAndWesternSongs 88, "Blue Mountain" (1 text, 1 tune)
Cheney-MormonSongs, pp. 135-137, "Blue Mountain" (1 text, 1 tune)
Cohen-AmericanFolkSongsARegionalEncyclopedia2, pp. 605-606 "Blue Mountain" (1 text)
Fife/Fife-SaintsOfSageAndSaddle, pp. 336-337, "Blue Mountain" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #10861
Art Thieme, "Blue Mountain" (on Thieme01)
NOTES [92 words]: Blue Mountain is a real place, in the Abajo Mountains in southeast Utah, about ten miles from the hamlet of Monticello; the nearest town of any size is Moab, a few dozen miles to the north. Google Maps lists it as a tourist attraction, but has no photos of it, so I can't tell if it has a horsehead on the side. There are many cliffs and crags in the vicinity, so the sides probably are steep.
According to the Fifes, Judge F. W. Keller had lived at Monticello, Utah early in his career. He was still alive when they published their book in 1956. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: FCW088

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