Wind'ard Car'line
DESCRIPTION: "Wind'ard Car'line come down oh." "Come jump on 'pon Nine-Toe Astor." The white doctor asks if the patient has brought any money "No dacta Are jumbie wha' make me poorly"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1954 (Elder-FolksongsFromTobago)
KEYWORDS: help magic music ritual nonballad religious doctor ghost Caribbean
FOUND IN: West Indies(Tobago)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Elder-FolksongsFromTobago 34, "Wind'ard Car'line" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [67 words]: Elder-FolksongsFromTobago: "Here women beseech the ancestor spirit, Caroline [from 'Windard' (East Tobago)], to come down and 'jump on 'pon [the local tambourine player] Nine-Toe Astor' to possess him. Once Astor is possessed, the spirit would tell the people what medicines will cure the patient. The chorus mocks the White doctor; he is useless since 'it is jumbie that makes the victim poorly.'" - BS
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File: ElTo034
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